
Lucas Miracles

Lucas Miracles

En macroeconomía, hay un antes y un después de Robert E. Lucas, Jr.   ¿Cómo resumir el aporte de Lucas? Si estás leyendo esto, seguramente sabés que Lucas lideró la “revolución” de Expectativas Racionales en macro durante los 70s. Una versión dice así: Lucas comprendió la importancia de dos papers deRead More

What can we expect from the Trump Administration?

What can we expect from the Trump Administration?

Donald Trump’s election as President of the United States has sparked a great deal of speculation. In this post, we will analyze the political viability of some of his proposals and explore the effects that their implementation may have on the United States and the rest of the world. Immigration:Read More

NEW YORK, NY - JUNE 16:   Business mogul Donald Trump points as he gives a speech as he announces his candidacy for the U.S. presidency at Trump Tower on June 16, 2015 in New York City.  Trump is the 12th Republican who has announced running for the White House.  (Photo by Christopher Gregory/Getty Images)

Elections in America: It is also about rising equality

By Nora Lustig[1] In a recent Washington Post article, President Obama was quoted saying «When we see people, global elites, wealthy corporations seemingly living by a different set of rules, avoiding taxes, manipulating loopholes … this feeds a profound sense of injustice.»[2] So, why did so many of the victimsRead More

ARCHIV - HANDOUT - US Präsident Barack Obama (l) unterhält sich mit Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel (CDU) am 19.06.2013 auf dem Dach des Kanzleramtes in Berlin. US-Präsident Barack Obama wird überraschend noch einmal Deutschland besuchen. Das Weiße Haus teilte am Dienstag in Washington mit, der scheidende Präsident werde am 16. November aus Athen nach Berlin kommen und am 18. November zu einem Gipfel ins peruanische Lima weiterreisen. Foto: Steffen Kugler/Bundespresseamt/dpa (zu dpa «US-Präsident Obama kommt im November noch einmal nach Deutschland» vom 25.10.2016 - ACHTUNG nur zur redaktionellen Verwendung bei Nennung der Quelle «Steffen Kugler/Bundespresseamt/dpa»)) +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++

Obama, Merkel Push Transatlantic Agenda

In a guest piece for weekly magazine WirtschaftsWoche, Angela Merkel and Barack Obama spell out the importance of trans-Atlantic relations, and urge progress on climate change and a free-trade deal. Germany and the United States are deeply linked together: Our joint history has led us through both bright and darkRead More

Here’s why Trump is already waffling on Obamacare

Here’s why Trump is already waffling on Obamacare

By David Cutler. Published on November 12th on The Washington Post. President-elect Donald Trump is already signaling that he might backpedal on his promise to repeal the Affordable Care Act, telling the Wall Street Journal Friday that he’d consider hanging onto popular Obamacare provisions such as “the prohibition against insurers denyingRead More

Donald Trump’s presidency is going to be a disaster for the white working class

Donald Trump’s presidency is going to be a disaster for the white working class

By Dylan Matthews. Published on November 9th on Vox. The white working class turned out, and they struck back. The morning after, that already appears to be the dominant media narrative coming out of the 2016 presidential election. Sure, the black and Latino voters that Hillary Clinton was counting onRead More

Who Is President Trump?

Who Is President Trump?

By Jeffrey Frankel. Published on November 10th on Project Syndicate. Donald Trump’s stunning election victory has pushed the United States – and the world – into uncharted territory. The US has never before had a president with no political or military experience, nor one who so routinely shirks the truth,Read More