Articles by: Equipo Foco Económico

Just how bad will Brexit be, and can it be undone?

Just how bad will Brexit be, and can it be undone?

By Simon Wren-Lewis. Published in the blog Mainly Macro on June 25, 2016. Mediamacro love their focus on ‘the markets’, and this leads to talk that makes Brexit sound like a major financial crisis. It almost certainly is not that. Impact on the UK economy At the heart of BrexitRead More

Britain’s Democratic Failure

Britain’s Democratic Failure

By Kenneth Rogoff. Published on Project Syndicate on June 24, 2016.  CAMBRIDGE – The real lunacy of the United Kingdom’s vote to leave the European Union was not that British leaders dared to ask their populace to weigh the benefits of membership against the immigration pressures it presents. Rather, itRead More

united kingdom exit from europe relative image

A British Tragedy in One Act

By Chris Patten. Published on Project Syndicate on June, 24, 2016. OXFORD – Thursday night is said to have been momentous for those who campaigned to leave the European Union and turn Britain’s back on the twenty-first century. On that, at least, I can agree. As Cicero wrote: “O wretched andRead More

6ta Conferencia Anual AL CAPONE (America Latina Crime and Policy Network)

6ta Conferencia Anual AL CAPONE (America Latina Crime and Policy Network)

La delincuencia y la violencia son unos de los problemas más importantes que las sociedades latinoamericanas enfrentan hoy en día. La red AL CAPONE tiene como objetivo reunir los esfuerzos de investigación de economistas latinoamericanos y de otras partes del mundo sobre los determinantes y las consecuencias de la delincuenciaRead More

Usando evidencia rigurosa en la toma de decisiones:  el caso de los laboratorios de aprendizaje de J-PAL

Usando evidencia rigurosa en la toma de decisiones:  el caso de los laboratorios de aprendizaje de J-PAL

Por Magdalena Valdés Lutz, Directora Ejecutiva J-PAL LAC. Como ciudadanos siempre hemos requerido que quienes buscan solucionar las problemáticas sociales de nuestro entorno lo hagan basándose en la mayor y mejor información posible. Cada uno de nosotros lo hace al tomar cualquier decisión en nuestra vida personal: al decidir alRead More

El ascenso de la derecha en América Latina

El ascenso de la derecha en América Latina

Por Mohamed A. El-Erian, publicada originalmente el 7 de junio de 2016 en Project Syndicate. LAGUNA BEACH – Por lo que muestran los cambios de gobierno en Argentina y Brasil, las correcciones políticas a mitad de mandato en Chile y otros acontecimientos de la región, la política latinoamericana está dando unRead More

Letter to friends: this is why I will vote Remain in the referendum by Nicholas Barr

Letter to friends: this is why I will vote Remain in the referendum by Nicholas Barr

The LSE’s Nicholas Barr explains why he will be voting to Remain in the EU referendum – citing a wide range of arguments about sovereignty, migration, international influence, regulation, democracy, trade and the single market to make his case. He concludes the economic and foreign policy costs of leaving are large, andRead More