Journal Economia: Call for papers





Economia, the Journal of the Latin American and Caribbean Economic Association (LACEA), calls for papers to be presented at its 27th panel meeting to be held in Washington D.C. in May 2013. This call for papers will be open from September 10th to October 15th, 2012. You will be notified of the editorial decision around mid-Nov 2012. Submission of a paper for possible presentation at the Economia Panel Meetings, implies that the author has the intention of publishing the paper in Economia the Journal of LACEA, and it is not currently under evaluation at another journal. However, an invitation to present a paper at the panel meeting is not a guarantee that the paper will be published in Economia. After presentation, papers are subjected to a refereeing and evaluation process. Only a subset of panel papers is eventually published in Economia.

Journal characteristics:

Economia has three distinguishing features:

       It is a policy journal –that is, one in which new theories or techniques are applied to policy questions, and not simply presented for their own sake.

       It seeks papers on issues that are both at the forefront of the policy agenda and of broad interest to countries throughout the region. Examples include the design of regulatory frameworks for privatized utilities, lessons on avoiding Asia-style financial meltdown, managing the challenge of greater economic integration, and new research on the determinants of earnings inequality.

       It demands the highest standards of theoretical and statistical rigor, but only publishes papers that are written in a style and language accessible to policy makers.

The closest models are the Brookings Papers on Economic Activity in the United States and Economic Policy in Europe – both of them policy-relevant publications that carry weight with decision-makers while adhering to very high standards of research.

Following the model of the Brookings Papers on Economic Activity and Economic Policy, papers are presented at twice-yearly panel meetings. One of these meetings is scheduled with the LACEA annual meeting. The other is hosted by various academic institutions in Latin America and the USA.

Papers sought:

Papers should adhere to the criteria above. They should deal with any topic relevant to economic policy-making in Latin America and the Caribbean. They can be theoretical, empirical, or a mixture of both, as long as they are policy-relevant. They should be written in English, in a style and language that avoids jargon and needless technicalities. They should not exceed 40 double-spaced pages, including graphs, tables and references.

Submission procedure:

Send paper electronically (.doc) to Managing Editor Roberto Bernal ( We only accept complete papers in English (no abstracts). Please specify all your contact information, affiliation, title of the paper and co-authors in the e-mail you send. Papers submitted in any other way will not be considered.